2025 – 2026 Virginia Federation of NARFE Officers Slate:

1st Vice President          
2nd Vice President        

The Chair of the Nominating Committee is entertaining candidate statements from any VFN member who would like to be considered for the 2025 Slate of Officers.

All potential candidates who make a declaration of intent for any of the positions should submit a brief resume/bio (about 200 words) and a headshot to the Chair by January 6, 2025

Further, nominations will be accepted from the floor at the annual conference on Monday, April 7, 2025

Chair Pat Meyers,  pmmeyers2000@aol.com or (703) 578-3372


If you have Bylaws Amendments you would like to submit, use the Form F-3C 

Download Form F-3C

Please forward this form to President Boatman, feboatman@live.com
A copy of Current Bylaws can be found:  https://vanarfe.org/legal/