"Together We Will Succeed"

2024 Conference Press Release, 11/14/2023
2024 Conference Bulletin # 1 dtd. 01/07/2024
2024 VFN Conference Booklet

William Shackelford
National President

Robert Allen
Regional Vice President, Region X Serving Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia
SPEAKERS (click in the box for more info)

Dr. Phillip Frana
Professor, James Madison University. University Communications, Department: Interdisciplinary Liberal Studies and Independent Scholars
More About Dr. Frana click Here...

Dr. Edna Reid
Adjunct Faculty, IA James Madison University. Collect of Integrated Science & Engineering. Dr.. Reed retired as an intelligence analyst at the FBI
More About Dr. Reid click Here...

Timothy Walton, PhD.
"A Perspective on Intelligence: The CIA, Past and Future."
More About Dr. Walton click Here...

Gary L. Owen
"German Prisoners of War in the United States During World War II."
More About Gary L Owen Click Here..
Forms Created for Bulletin #1
PDF Fillable Forms
Straight Forms
VFN 24-1 Registration Fillable
VFN 24-2 Individual Supporter Letter (Fillable)
VFN 24-3 Multiple Supporters Form (Fillable)
VFN 24-4 Facilities Requirement
VFN 24-5 Exhibitors Introduction Letter (fillable)
VFN 24-5A Exhibitors Banquet Invitation Letter (Fillable)
VFN 24-5B Exhibitor Contract (Fillable)
VFN 24-6 Memorial Book (Fillable)
VFN 24-7 Advertising Introduction Letter (Fillable)
VFN 24-7A Advertising Contract Members (Fillable)
VFN 24-7B Advertising Contract Commercial (Fillable)
VFN 24-1 Registration
VFN 24-2 Individual Supporter Letter
VFN 24-3 Multiple Supporters Form
VFN 24-4 Facilities Requirement
VFN 24-5 Exhibitors Introduction Letter
VFN 24-5A Exhibitors Banquet Invitation Letter
VFN 24-5B Exhibitor Contract
VFN 24-6 Memorial Book (Fillable)
VFN 24-7 Advertising Introduction Letter
VFN 24-7A Advertising Contract Members
VFN 24-7B Advertising Contract Commercial
Official Notice (posted in NARFE Magazine Jan/Feb & Mar/Apr Editions
VIRGINIA: April 7 – 10,, 2024, Hotel Madison/Shenandoah Conference Center, 710 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801. Annual Meeting and Conference includes an election. Details about the conference can be found at https://vanarfe.org/
When there is only one candidate for a particular office, that candidate shall be declared the winner by acclimation without the need for a vote. Balloting by Federation members for contested elected positions will be conducted within sixty-days following the Federation Annual Meeting.
Balloting for proposed Bylaws Amendments, as accepted at the annual meeting, and any contested officer positions shall take place within sixty days after the annual meeting. Voting will be under the direction of the Ballots & Tellers Committee.
Annual Meeting Standin Rules
Rule 1. The Annual Meeting should be conducted in accordance with the current VFN Bylaws, these Annual Meeting Standing Rules, and Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised. Should there be a conflict between these documents, the current VFN Bylaws shall have precedence. Should there be a conflict between the Annual Meeting Standing Rules and Roberts Rules of Order (12th Edition), the Annual Meeting Standing Rules shall have precedence.
Rule 2. To gain admittance to the Annual Meeting and Committee Meetings, the badge/name tag issued by the Registration Committee must be worn.
Rule 3. All VFN Members must register with the Registration Committee.
Rule 4. At the beginning of each Business Session, the Chair of the Registration Committee shall report on the attendance and registration of Annual Meeting attendees.
Rule 5. Designated time and location for committee meetings, caucuses, and any other Annual Meetings shall be listed in the meetings by the meetings by the BF in presiding officer year at the Annual Meeting business session.
Rule 6. Attendees at all Annual Meeting sessions are expected to be courteous and to promptly comply with instructions from the Chair with respect to seating, talking, electronic devices, etc. Failure to comply may result in removal from the Annual Meeting Session.
Rule 7. The Bylaws Committee shall review, report on, and make recommendations on all proposed Bylaw Amendments submitted in advance in accordance with the VFN Bylaws.
Rule 8. Upon recognition by the Chair at any session, a member shall state their full name, Chapter Number or National Only affiliation before addressing the assembly.
Rule 9. The President shall appoint a Ballot & Tellers Committee to supervise voting when a secret ballot is required. (More than one contestant at AVP caucuses)
Rule 10. Voting records shall be sealed after counting and retained by the VFN Secretary for not less than three months before destruction.
Rule 11. All alleged irregularities in voting shall be promptly considered and resolved by an Appeals Committee appointed by the VFN President. The Appeals Committee shall consist of three members from different Areas, none of whom is a member of the Ballot & Tellers Committee. The Appeals Committee shall report its findings to the Annual Meeting Assembly.