
Larry Mcilwee
VFN Service Officer's Goals and Mission
GOALS: Our goals are to provide guidance, advice and training to assist Chapter Service Officers fulfill the, “Duties and Responsibilities as Chapter Service Officers. (please visit; www.narfe forms F-58 “Duties and Responsibilities: Chapter Service Officers” for details)
MISSION: Service Officers play a vital role in meeting the needs of chapter members and their families. Our mission as of the VFNService Officers is to help Chapter Service Officers provide NARFE members, their families and survivors with assistance in contacting the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) concerning benefits and programs such as civil service annuities, survivor benefits, health insurance, life insurance and income tax withholding from annuities; Medicare, Social Security and Veterans benefits.
We also, encourage Service Officers to reach out to membership in times of sickness and help or answer questions in times of need. .
* Enhancing our partnership with OPM for more information and coordinate, an OPM increased presence at various chapter meetings.
*• Encouraging Chapter Service Officers to attend NARFE VFN and National Conventions to support NARFE at the State and National level. And, take advantage of opportunities to learn more about service information, networking and to share ideas and best practices.
* Working with NARFE headquarters to stay aware and pass on information as it pertains to SERVICE for our membership.
Specifically, Service Officers:
#1: Meet the practical needs of chapter members
#2: Facilitate liaisons between members and OPM
#3: Help expedite applications for benefits
#4: Help members obtain information about the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) and Medicare
#5: Help members obtain information about programs of other agencies
I look forward to hearing from you! Please feel free to contact me at 804-450-3919 or e-mail Larry at Joseph
Need Help?
NARFE is here to help active and retired federal employees, their spouses and annuitants find answers to questions related to federal benefits. NARFE can help cut through federal bureaucratic red tape. NARFE maintains a list of articles and white papers on their national website providing answers to such frequently asked questions: Will your spouse be eligible for health benefits when you retire? Buyouts can be attractive but what if you return to service? How long do you have to wait to tap into your Thrift Savings Plan when you retire?
The following list of active links entitled “The Survivor Kit” is an example of important information that every Chapter member should have carefully filed away in an area at home that is easily accessible to their spouse and immediate family in event of one’s unexpected death.
THE SURVIVOR KIT: Essential Information
Helps gather information only – Do not send the forms to OPM
Steps for Immediate Survivors/Executors
Application For Death Benefits, Civil Service Retirement System. (CSRS)
Application For Death Benefits, Federal Employees Retirement System. (FERS)
{Sample of death benefit forms only. Fill in the one that applies to you and file it away.
OPM will send an official numbered form later when needed.}
Be Prepared For Life’s Events:
A NARFE Guide For Federal Employees and Annuitants.
Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance Program (FE6)
Claim For Death Benefits (FE6DEP).