Virginia Federation of NARFE

Chapter 90
America's Most Historic City

Charter Date: 02/01/1952
Annual Chapter Dues: $7.00
Meeting Information: Fredericksburg Chapter 90 meets almost every third Wednesday of each month, unless stated otherwise, at 1:00pm at the Salem Church Library, located off Route 3 on 2607 Salem Church Road. From 195 take Exit Route 3 toward Culpeper to Salem Church Road, Fredericksburg, VA.
Fredericksburg Chapter 90
2024 Dates Upcoming Chapter Meetings
Webinars: You can find videos, slides & transcripts from webinars dating back to January 2019. Go to www.narfe.org/webinar-archive
Sept 18 – Terry Jones, Veterans Benefit Administration
Oct 16- Blue Cross Blue Shield
Nov 20 – Annual Meeting & Election of Officers. The slate of positions will be available soon. Speaker TBD
Dec 4 – Holiday Event
Holiday event. Lorie Henderson has volunteered to arrange this event & has provided the following information. Our Holiday event is on Dec 4, 2024, 11:30am to 2:00pm, Vinny’s Italian Grill, 11105 Leavells Rd., Fredericksburg, VA 22407. Menu selections can be found at www.vinnysitaliangrill.com. Sign up in advance, by Nov 15, 2024. Our reserved space can accommodate a limit of 20 guests. A sign-up sheet will be available at the monthly meeting or contact Moe Nolet, 540-370-0036, or email NLTMaureen@aol.com with Subj: NARFE Dec Holiday Event. Each member and guest are responsible for their own bill. If you are bringing a guest specify how many guests.
Chapter Officers & Chairs
Updated 1/24/2024
President, Maureen (Moe) Nolet 540-370-0036 NLTMAUREEN@aol.com
Vice President, Dennis Cole 540-854-4467 djslcole@yahoo.com
Secretary, Robert “Bob” Martin 202-255-3320 bobmartin112@gmail.com
Treasurer, Kevin Wilkinson 540-898-8353 kwlknsn@yahoo.com
Service Officer, Esther Nash 540-848-1777 ladyone191@gmail.com
National & State Legislation Chair
Robert “Bob” Martin 202-255-3320 bobmartin112@gmail.com
Membership Chair
Mary Heck 540-273-3077 Mary_Heck@msn.com
Alzheimer Chair Vacant
Facebook Coordinator
Robert “Bob” Martin 202-255-3320 bobmartin112@gmail.com
Greeter Coordinator Vacant
Sunshine Chair,
Rita Pinion 540-361-1090 rcpinion@aol.com
Hospitality, Esther Nash 540-848-1777 ladyone191@gmail.com
Assistant, Gene Taylor 540-898-6101 genetaylor1972@msn.com
Invocation & Pledge of Allegiance
Gene Taylor 540-898-6101 genetaylor1972@msn.com
Our chapter needs chapter members to help us out with the vacancies for various positions. These positions do not take much time & we would appreciate you stepping up to assist us. Remember this is your chapter & we need you to help keep it going. Listed below are the vacant positions & of course you are more than welcome to volunteer for any of the filled positions. If you would like information on any of the positions, feel free to contact the president or vice president (contact information above).
Sunshine, Greeter, News card Editor, Public Relations, Program Chair, Chapter E-mail Coordinator.
SUNSHINE: If you know someone that needs a get well or sympathy card, please contact Rita Pinion at 540-361-1090 or rcpinion@aol.com with the necessary information.