FEDcon 24 August 18 - 20, 2024, St. Louis, MO

Welcome Reception 

Sunday, August 18, 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM  

Join your fellow NARFE members at this opening welcome reception, featuring light appetizers and a cash bar. 

General Sessions  

Opening Keynote Speaker 

Monday, August 19, 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM 

Presenter: Alex Sheen

Support provided by Aetna 

The conference will kick off with an opening keynote speaker Alex Sheen, founder of the global nonprofit because I said I would, setting the tone for the conference and energizing you to gain the knowledge necessary to LEARN how to make the most of your benefits, ADVOCATE to protect those earned benefits, and LEAD the organization that defends those benefits into the future. LEARN. ADVOCATE. LEAD. 

Business Session 

Tuesday, August 20, 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM 

Presenters: Candidates for National Office; NARFE Bylaws Committee 

This bylaws-required business session will provide candidates for election to national office the opportunity to address the conference attendees and answer questions from attendees and allow for a discussion of proposals to amend the bylaws or standing rules submitted by the deadline, prior to the conference. 

 Breakout Sessions Tracks 

Attendees will choose from one of six breakout session options during the four breakout session timeslots. Session topics are organized by track, described below. Please note that some topics remain tentative, as indicated below, and some speakers are yet to be determined. The time of each session will be decided later. 

 Advocacy Track 

Learn the latest updates on NARFE’s advocacy efforts, and how you can get more involved at the grassroots level and with NARFE-PAC. 

Advocacy Update: What’s the Latest and What’s Ahead 

Presenter: John Hatton, Staff Vice President, Policy and Programs, NARFE 

Hatton will review policy developments from the current Congress, providing the latest updates on legislative and administrative actions affecting federal employees and retirees and their benefits. He’ll look forward to what’s on the congressional docket the rest of the year and peer into his cloudy crystal ball for what to expect after the election and into 2025. What are the opportunities for and challenges facing NARFE’s advocacy efforts now and in the future? 

 Evolving Advocacy: NARFE’s Grassroots Toolbox for Today and Tomorrow 

Presenter: Ivana Sara, Grassroots Program Manager, NARFE 

This session will provide a comprehensive overview of the tools that power NARFE’s grassroots advocacy efforts, from tried-and-true methods to innovative approaches on the horizon. Learn how to drive legislative success, highlighting what methods have proven most effective in our campaigns. Dive into emerging tactics that are set to redefine our advocacy work, ensuring we stay at the forefront of legislative progress. Understand how new approaches will not only enhance our ability to influence policy but also offer new ways to engage and mobilize members in the ever-evolving landscape of grassroots advocacy. 

 Leading NARFE-PAC in 2024 and Beyond 

Presenter: To be announced 

NARFE-PAC is the ultimate advocacy tool available to our membership, amplifying the voices of the feds everywhere. In this session, we will introduce or refresh you on NARFE’s political action committee and explain how it works for you. Learn how you can contribute to NARFE-PAC’s success and grow into (or within an existing) leadership role. Discover everything there is to know about NARFE-PAC so you can strengthen the PAC and be a knowledgeable source of information for your fellow NARFE members.  

 Current Employee Track 

Explore how to take advantage of your federal career before retirement through this track of active employee-catered sessions. Specific topics are yet to be finalized, but they may include training on federal details or “externships,” federal career development, federal workforce management, or utilizing federal mentoring programs.

The Confidence Catalyst: Unleashing Your Full Potential At Any Age and Stage 

Presenter: Mika Cross

You have a wealth of experience and wisdom that makes you an asset to any organization. In a constantly changing workplace, we can often feel intimidated by the latest trends and technologies, or even a younger generation of workers who seem to have an edge over us. Learn how to boost your confidence and unleash your potential. By the end of this session, you will have a toolkit of strategies and techniques to shine in the workplace NOW and in your life beyond your career. Recognize your value, and let’s explore some proven methods to increase your self-confidence and resilience and develop a positive mindset to support your success and happiness well into the future.

Career Management Strategy: Power Up Your Career 

Presenter: Treva Smith

While there’s no magic solution to ensure career progression, you can design a career pathway that will meet your life and personal career goals. We will craft action plans, identify potential mentors and external career opportunities, and discover the fine art of business etiquette. When paired with career expertise, etiquette enhances overall professional presence and positioning. Get ready to power up your career and take charge of opportunities to assist in shaping advanced competencies and capabilities for career progression. 

 Current Employee / Federal Benefits Track  

Learn how to prepare for and begin your federal retirement in these sessions tailored to current employees and those just entering retirement. What questions do you need to ask, and what do you need to do to maximize your retirement benefits? 

 The Final Steps: Transition From Employee to Annuitant 

Presenter: Tammy Flanagan 

Tune into this session to get your “retirement checklist” ready. Federal retirement expert Tammy Flanagan will go over the process of applying for FERS retirement and how to review your application, discuss how sick leave is credited towards retirement, and what to expect for your lump sum payment for annual leave. She’ll also cover the FERS special retirement supplement, the continuation of insurance (FEHB, FEDVIP, FLTCIP, FEGLI) in retirement, and how to choose when to claim Social Security benefits. 

 Financial Planning for Feds 

Presenter: Mark Keen, CFP 

Description pending. 

 Federal Benefits Track 

Listen to NARFE’s top federal benefits experts, Tammy Flanagan and Mark Keen, as they provide guidance on critical federal benefits topics. 

 Don’t Fall for These Common Retirement Myths 

Presenter: Tammy Flanagan and Mark Keen, CFP 

Learn the difference between myth and reality, as experts Tammy Flanagan and Mark Keen, CFP, debunk some often-heard myths about federal retirement. This session will cover common misconceptions about FEHB and Medicare, military service credits, TSP investment strategy, life insurance and survivor benefits, long-term care planning, and more. 

 Getting Your Affairs in Order: Estate Planning for Feds 

Presenter: Mark Keen, CFP, and Tammy Flanagan 

Join experts Tammy Flanagan and Mark Keen, CFP, as they go over how to prepare for the inevitable. This session will walk you through how to limit tax liabilities and avoid probate. It will also cover survivor benefits elections, FEGLI, beneficiary designations, and what to do in the case of incapacity. 

Maximizing the After-Tax Value of Retirement Savings 

Presenter: Mark Keen, CFP 

Description pending. 

 Medicare & FEHB/PSHB 

Presenter: Tammy Flanagan 

Join Tammy Flanagan as she explains how Federal Employee Health Benefit (and soon Postal Service Health Benefit) plans coordinate with Medicare. Learn about different coverage options, from FEHB alone to FEHB with traditional Medicare Parts A and B, to FEHB with an enhanced Medicare Advantage plan – and what are the advantages of the new Medicare Prescription Drug plans, and whether it makes sense to opt out. She will also compare TRICARE for Life with FEHB, provide an update on the PSHB program, and what to look for in an FEHB plan to supplement Medicare in retirement.  

 Lifestyle Track 

Focus on your personal life with a purpose as you listen to experts navigate concerns and interests that arise as you progress through the stages of life in this lifestyle-centered track. Specific topics are yet to be finalized, but may include how to declutter your home, hone your technological skills, get a better grasp of how to take care of your overall well- being as you age, travel safely as you get older, make social connections later in life, have a meaningful discussion about an interesting book, or similar topics, in this lifestyle centered track. 

 Leadership Track 

Identify and develop skills through training focused on bettering both NARFE chapters and members in these leadership track sessions. Session topics are tentative until confirmed, and additional topics may be added. 

 AMS Training 

Presenters: TBD 

This topic will focus on how NARFE chapter and federation leaders can best utilize NARFE’s AMS. Topic title and description will be updated when presenters are confirmed. 

Chapter Officer 101 

Presenters: TBD 

This topic will focus on what resources are available to chapter officers and how to take advantage of them. 

 Best Practices for Chapter/Federation Communication 

Presenter: Jenn Rafael, Director of Communications and Marketing, NARFE 

Join Jenn Rafael to discuss strategies to engage chapter and federation members, as well as inform and cultivate feds in your area who don’t yet know about NARFE. We’ll highlight how best to use your NARFE website, social media accounts, FEDHub community, email and, yes, postal mail. 

 Leadership Succession Planning 

Presenter: TBD 

This session will focus on what NARFE leaders can do to recruit and prepare the next set of leaders to take the reins in officer positions. Topic title and description will be updated when the presenter is confirmed. 

 Membership Recruitment 

Presenters: TBD 

This topic will focus on ways NARFE leaders can contribute to membership recruitment. Topic title and description will be updated when presenters are confirmed. 

Regional Caucuses 

Monday, August 19, 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM (Set 1) 

Monday, August 19, 4:45 PM – 5:45 PM (Set 2) 

The regional caucuses will provide an opportunity for attendees to hear from candidates for regional vice-president, and to allow a regional-based discussion on NARFE issues. 



Monday, August 19, 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM (Set 1) 

Monday, August 19, 4:45 PM – 5:45 PM (Set 2) 

The symposia, provided by NARFE’s partners, will offer content for attendees who do not plan to attend the regional caucuses and when their regional caucus is not occurring. Content will be confirmed and finalized at a later date. 


NARFE-PAC Breakfast 

Tuesday, August 20, 7:00 AM – 8:30 AM  

Qualifying PAC contributors will be eligible to attend this breakfast as a thank you for their support. Speaker TBD. 


Closing Reception 

Tuesday, August 20, 3:30 PM – 5:15 PM  

Join your fellow NARFE members at this closing reception to discuss the highlights of the conference, what you’ve learned, and what actions you will be taking to ensure that NARFE succeeds now and into the future. Featuring light appetizers.