executive officers

Executive Officers

Frances Final

Larry McIlwee

1st Vice President

Operational and Functional Oversight responsibilities assigned to the 1st VP, in addition to support to the President, revolve around Field Operations and AVP communications.

Patricia Wolfe

2nd Vice President

Operational and Functional Oversight responsibilities assigned to the 2nd VP, in addition to support to the President, involve Program Operations. Coordinate training for Chapter Officers and Program Chairs.

Deborah Fisk


Secretarial duties include recordation and distribution of minutes; maintenance of Federation archives, charter, and banner; assist in preparing ballot forms, complete Form F-22; provide Headquarters with updated Form-7A's; advise and assist the President.

Thomas Rachele


Secure bond and issue checks; send annual bills to Chapter Treasurers; receive and manage VFN funds; prepare an annual budget; disburse approved funds; prepare and file IRS requirements; assist in training Chapter Treasurers, if requested.