
Bylaws - James R. Little, Woodbridge, Chapter 1270
I have been a member of NARFE Woodbridge Chapter 1270 for 17-years and have served as the Chapter Webmaster for more than 15-years; Vice President and President for two years each; and am currently serving as Acting Secretary. At the Virginia Federation level I served as Area IX Vice President for 6-years and Acting Area VP for 2-years. I have also served as a member and chair for both the Nominating and Bylaws Committees, and have worked with the President on updating the Handbook. I am curretnly serving as the Bylaws Committee Chair and assisting in updating the Handbook.

Parliamentarian - Beatrice Squire, Springfield Chapter 0893
As a retired federal worker, Beatrice Squire currently volunteers for several organizations in which a guiding hand is needed to handle deliberations for assemblies throughout the state.
She is a past president of the Virginia State Association of Parliamentarians, which provides a stabilizing element for many organizations through advisory and consultancy.
Ms. Squire has been a part of VSAP for over 22 years in roles ranging from committee chair, secretary and first and second vice president. She continues to expand members’ knowledge of parliamentary procedure.

Webmaster - Stan Palen, Colonial Beach Chapter 595
Stan worked for the Navy for 33 years at Dahlgren, VA. The name of the base has changed about 4 times since he started in 1962. His chapter is Colonial Beach 0595, but he lives in the next county, King George. About half of Chapter 0595 members are from King George. He has been chapter treasurer since 2000. Other duties include chapter net coordinator, newsletter editor, and other odds and ends. He has been the VFN webmaster since 2006. Stan provides Audio Visual services for conventions, conferences, and board meetings since about 2006. He continues to maintain and store one very full truckload of equipment that is used for the organization. He writes a computer column for another organization and posts it on the VFN website and in his spare time he is an expert clock and watch repair resource.