Virginia Federation of NARFE

Chapter 893

Charter Date: 12/01/1963
Annual Chapter Dues: $10.00
Meeting Place: La Fiamma, 6124 Franconia Road, Alexandria, VA 22310
Meeting Information: 2nd Wednesday of the month, Lunch is at 12:00 Noon with the meeting at 1:00 pm.
Meeting Cancellation Policy: No meeting will be held if Fairfax County Schools close due to weather conditions; however, if schools delay opening for 2 hours or less, the Chapter meeting will be held as scheduled.
Honoring Our History/ Embracing Our Future
Welcome to Springfield Chapter 893 of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE).
Springfield Chapter 893 is the largest of the 37 chapters in Virginia. Chartered in 1963 with 14 members, we have embarked on our 62nd year currently serving over 350 Chapter Members with nearly an additional 700 National Members in our Chapter area. More than numbers, however, we are recognized for having a strong voice in national and local legislative issues affecting Federal retirees, active Federal employees, senior citizens, and the public at large. In addition to this primary NARFE mission, as individuals and as a chapter, we have made invaluable contributions to the Northern Virginia community. Our past presidents have been recognized as dynamic and dedicated leaders who through their selfless service have paved the way for this chapter’s successful history. In order to prepare for the current year’s legislative challenges, we must rely on our dedicated volunteer members to challenge efforts that adversely impact our earned benefits. Further, we are charged with preserving the economic future of generations of active and retired Federal employees.
In addition to our mission-related activities, we offer monthly chapter meetings to inform our members of the chapter’s business and national and state legislative activities and issues. We invite interesting and relevant speakers to share timely information concerning events of the day, updates on members’ benefits, retirement annuities, etc., and services provided by chapter volunteers, committee chairs and Board members. We engage with our members in social events, such as a December holiday luncheon, a Spring luncheon/function, complimentary attendance at Little Theatre of Alexandria plays, special social events, and activities in support of funding research for a cure for Alzheimer’s Disease with the Alzheimer’s Association of America.
Chapter Officers
Vice President
Assistant Treasurer
Alzheimer’s Chair
Membership Chair
Immediate Past President
Legislative Chair
Electronic Comm./Sunshine
Otis Langford
Diane Howard
Marcy Stennes
John G. Olsen
James Wagner
Margaret Yowell
Gerald Frazier
Joan Capella
Michael Moore
Debra Pumphrey