committee Information


  • The Audit Committee shall conduct an annual audit of the receipts, disbursements, assets and liabilities, including a balance sheet and a list of investments.  
  • Prepare a report to submit to the Board for approval.  
  • After approval, the Board will publish the report on the Federation website.


The Bylaws Committee is made up of one member from each Area, appointed by the President.  The President shall also appoint the chair.  Members shall serve a term of three years with the exception that membership wll rotate with two members to be replaced each year so the committee will retain a majority of experienced members annually.

  • Review the VFN Bylaws and proposed amendments to ensure conformity with the National Articles of Incorporation, National Bylaws, and relevant government laws and regulations.
  • Conduct a review via e-mail, telephone, conference calls, or meetings as necessary.
  • Send a report to the President at least 60-days before the Annual Meeting indicating whether or not the Committee has Bylaw amendments for inclusion in the Call to Conference.
  • Present proposed Bylaw amendment(s) at the Annual Meeting with the Committee’s recommendations.


  • The Chaplain will attend Board meetings, at the request of the President, and give non-denominational invocations.
  • Attend the Annual Meeting and conduct a memorial service.
  • Send a card or flowers upon the death of an individual specified in Article II, section A.16, as directed by the President or their designee.

Net Coordinator

The basic responsibility is to coordiante the effective distribution of official messages utilizing e-mail.

  • Develop and present to the Chair, Electronics Committee draft guidelines and procedures for effective operation of the network for approval by the Board.
  • Develop plans for continuous improvements of the communications network.
  • Utilize NARFE Reports of member e-mail addresses for message distribution via the NARFE Network.
  • Consult with and advise the Chair, Elecronics Committee regarding innovative proposals and methods for improving the electronic telecommunications program.
  • Distribute all official messages, as approved by the President, 1st Vice President, or 2nd Vice President.  Official messages include requests from the Executive Committee, Program Chairs, AVP’s (for distribution within their respective areas), and Chapter Presidents (for distribution within their respective areas).
  • Assist Area VP’s in working with chapter presidents in defining the duties of the Chapter Net Coordinators.

Newsletter Editor

The Newsletter Editor prepares the VFN Newsletter, issued twice a year in January and July, and the VFN Annual Report issued at the direction of the President in consultation with the Board.  

  • Attend meetings of the Board, at the request of the President.
  • Invite all officers to submit articles and photographs.
  • Include material from other sources as appropriate.
  • Prepare a finished PDF copy ready for posting on the Internet.
  • Provide a Newsletter and Annual Report to the Web Coordinator for posting on the website.


A Nominating Committee will be composed of a primary and an alternate elected from each Area at the annual meeting or separately and one member-at-large to be selected by the Board.  The committee will select one of its members to serve as chair.  No member may serve more than two consecutive terms, and no member of the Board may serve on the Nominating Committee.  

  • Coordinate with primary and alternate Committee members at the Annual Meeting following their selection.
  • Send out a notice to incumbent officers in August regarding their intentions to run.
  • Send out a Call for Nominations to all Committee members in September including a bried description of duties for each position, and follow up in November.
  • Work with the President, send out Call for Nominees to all VFN members in the September-October timeframe.
  • Review the resumes of all potential candidates, who must submit a resume to either the Committee Chair or the AVP from their Area by the committee’s deadline.
  • Interview potential candidates, as necessary.
  • Nominate at least one candidate for each of the elected offices of President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.  More than one nominee may be submitted for each of the above listed offices.
  • Send a final report of the nominees to the President at least 60-days before the annual meeting for inclusion in the Call to Conference.
  • The Chair will attend the January Board meeting to present the Committee’s interim report.


  • Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised (ver. 13) shall govern the Federation in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not consistent with these or National’s Bylaws and any special rules of order the Federation may adopt.
  • Attend Board meetings and other special meetings at the request of the President.
  • Serve as the Parliamentarian at the Annual Meeting, all Board meetings, and such other  meetings as requested by the President.


  • Attend Annual Meeting and maintain security for conducting business and voting.
  • Carry out floor vote counts at the Annual Meeting, as required.


Web Coordinator

Establish and coordinate input for the Federation and Chapter web pages from the various elements of the organization.

Develop plans for continuous improvements of the website.

Develop, and present to the Chair, Electronics Committee, guidelines and procedures for effective website operation for approval by the Board.

Consult with and advise the Chair, Electronics Committee, regarding innovative proposals and methods for improving the website.

Assist AVP’s in working with chapter presidents in defining the duties of the Chapter Web Coordinator.

Maintain an appropriate contact with an on-line electronic meeting firm and serve as manager and trainer for suce VFN online meetings.