VFN-25-07B Commercial Ads Only

ADVERTISEMENT NOTES     (VENDOR – if you purchased a table you can use VFN25-07B to get $50 discount off Full Page Ad)
●  All advertisements must be received by March 1, 2025. Packages must include:
1)  advertisement contract
2) paper or digital copy of ad
3) payment, payable to 2025 VFN Conference
●  Please send complete items to: Treasurer, Jim Little; 11759 Buckley Court, Woodbridge, VA 22192-5725, jlittle@vanarfe.org.
●  Also, please send an electronic PDF copy of the advertisement to the Program Book Chair : Deborah Fisk at valeg@vanarfe.org, cell (804) 641-1655, or desk (804) 748-8722.
●  For information please contact Advertising Chairs: Cindy Graunke,  cgraunke14001@comcast.net and/or Lynn Osborne, jcolmo68@comcast.net

Full Page - 7" (horizontal) x 10" (vertical) Half Page - 7" (horizontal) x 5" (vertical) or 3.5" (horizontal) x 10" (vertical) Quarter Page -
Exhibitors names will be included in the VFN Conference Program Book if received by March 15, 2025.
We appreciate all donations in support of the work the VFN continues to do in support and education of our members.