Candidate for President - Deborah O. Fisk

Deborah O. Fisk, Candidate for VFN President
 I have been a working photographer since 1998.  Prior to that I was Program Librarian for Time-Life Books and Music.  After graduating from business school, I worked for a short time at LAFB, VA as a Clerk Typist; but quickly my family took precedence over career.  I returned to school and majored in Information Technology when my youngest daughter began college.

My husband is a retired Civil Servant with over 32 years’ service, and as many years as a NARFE member.  As the annuitant spouse I became involved in NARFE about 7 years ago.  In my chapter I have served as membership officer and secretary in addition to the offices I now hold which are President and Network Coordinator.  I digitized all Secretary and Treasurer records and as President, I work on membership, both recruitment and retention.

In the Virginia Federation, I currently serve as the 1st Vice President as well as a member of the Electronics Comm Committee.   We work to develop strategies and programs to assist our members in various communication applications which are user-friendly and cost-effective.  My passion is technology; however, time served as former State Legislation Chair and my current 4th District CDL, promise to provide challenges, but with challenges also come rewards.  I firmly believe that protecting our earned benefits is paramount to the vision of NARFE and in that I work hard to learn and deliver.  In  2023 I served on the Board as the VFN Secretary.

In addition to the VFN, I continue to stay involved in photography-related volunteer organizations which include local, state, and national levels.

I have served in multiple VFN offices, I am organized, and energetic.  I hope you will consider my service to the VFN and I humbly ask for your vote in the upcoming election.  

Deborah O. Fisk
VFN 1st Vice President
Chapter 2265 Midlothian President

Candidate for President - J. Larry McIlwee

J. Larry McIlwee, Candidate for VFN President

My name is J Larry McIlwee.  I am a candidate for the office of President of the Virginia Federation Of NARFE.  

I have represented VFN in a number of positions: 
     President, Chapter 1823, Northern Neck, 2022-current 
     Service Officer, VFN, 2024 
     Chaplain, VFN, 2023 
     First Vice President, VFN, 2022 
     Chairman, Nominations Committee, VFN, 2021 

I do consider it a privilege to serve you, the members of the Virginia Federation.  If elected, I will strive to keep our federation number one in membership and participation at the  

National scene.  We have a great Federation!   

I worked for the federal government for 30 years,1983-2012.  During that time, I held many positions with Department of Defense, Department of the Navy.  I started my career at the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Dahlgren Virginia and finished my last four years at the Naval District Washington, Washington Navy Yard. I began as a Locksmith, progressed to Security Specialist, where I spent a majority of my career. That work included serving on various inspection teams, where I visited many installations. I was a training officer for DOD Police, Master-at-Arms, and Anti-terrorism/Force Protection Specialist.  I was a Contracting Officers’ Representative, writing statements of work, and doing oversight for various government contracts.  My last four years I managed 18 Naval Installations. My favorite expression was “I don’t quit until the lights are out, the doors are locked, and my lock pick set doesn’t work.”  Persistence was and still is the very best trait that I have.   

I am in my fourth term as President of Chapter 1823, Northern Neck Chapter.  The category of National Only members is a challenge to me. Our chapter has fewer National Only members than active members.  I can understand some circumstances that warrant National Only, but I believe those members miss a lot by not being in a chapter and interacting with other members.   

If you elect me, I will do my very best to serve you in any way that I can. I pledge to you that I will dedicate a monthly zoom session to listen to our membership express their concerns as well as possible solutions in a town hall format with a minimum of rules that encourage fair play. So, with that said, let’s keep on building NARFE, and supporting our fellow Active and Retired members!   

Thank you,  
J. Larry McIlwee

Candidate for First Vice President

No Current Candidate

Candidate of Second Vice President - Patricia Wolfe

Patricia Wolfe, Candidate for VFN 2nd Vice President

Patricia Wolfe is a candidate for re-election for the Virginia Federation 2 nd Vice President
position and is asking for your support for a third term.

Patricia, a member of Dulles Chapter 1241, has been active in NARFE since her
retirement and has served in most chapter positions including Chapter President from
2015-2017. She is currently serving as Secretary, Newsletter Editor, Hospitality Chair,
and Program Chair. She chaired the chapter’s 50 th Anniversary Celebration in 2022. At
the federation level, Pat has served as Nominations Committee Chair, Newsletter Editor,
Assistant Public Relations Chair, and Secretary of 2024 VFN Conference. She currently
serves as 2 nd Vice-President, proofreader for newsletter, annual report and other
publications and Secretary of the 2025 VFN Conference Committee. Pat served as Chair
of the Northern Virginia Caucus of Chapters from 2018-2024.

Pat served as Federally Employed Women’s (FEW’s) National President from 2002-2006
where her duties included serving as the Chief Executive Officer, chairman of the board
of directors, leader and spokesperson for the organization. She also had the opportunity to
represent FEW and to testify before Congress on two important issues impacting all
Federal employees: Diversity in the Senior Executive Service and the Government
Pension Offset and Windfall Elimination Provisions of Social Security impacting the
individuals in the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS). This was years ago so she
was delighted when the legislation finally passed. She served as Co-Chair of FEW’s 2010
National Training Program in New Orleans, 2008 National Training Program in
Anaheim, California, and Chair, 1995 National Training Program in Tacoma,
Washington, all with over 2,000 attendees.

Patricia (Pat) served as President of FEW’s Foundation for Education and Training from
2016 to 2020. She also served as President from 2006-2008. The Foundation was
established as the 501(c) 3 charitable arm of FEW with the goal of helping women
advance in their Federal careers by offering financial assistance, scholarships, training
opportunities, and information.

She is President of Centreville United Women in Faith (previously known as United
Methodist Women) and is particularly proud of its monthly mission projects that she
started during the pandemic. She is the Chair of the annual Holiday Bazaar and Craft Fair
and the lead for the Silent Auction with all proceeds ($12,000+ in 2024) going to four
ministries supported by the Centreville United Methodist Church. She volunteers at the
church front desk one-two days a week.

Pat retired from the Headquarters, Department of Homeland Security on December 31,
2010 with 43 years’ service, beginning as a GS-03 and retiring as a GS-15, Contracting
Officer. Her last assignment was as the acquisition workforce manager for Office of
Procurement Operations’ intern program. Prior to her assignment at Homeland Security,
she worked as a Contracting Officer for the U. S. Department of Treasury in Washington,
DC and as a personnel specialist for the Army Medical Department in Tacoma,

Pat’s goal is to continue to grow NARFE at the local level with emphasis on retaining
members as well as recruiting, developing strategies for increasing attendance at chapter
meetings, partnering with other organizations for special programs or events, continuing
the outstanding training, and being a resource for all of the committee chairs.

Pat holds a Bachelor’s Degree from City University, Bellevue, Washington. Pat enjoys
reading, watching TV (to include too many Hallmark movies, sending cards to family
and friends, and working with organizations to help the community.

Candidate for Treasurer - Jim Little

Jim Little, Candidate for VFN Treasurer

As current Treasurer for the Virginia Federation, I am seeking reelection for the 2025-2026 Fiscal Year. I took over as Treasurer on July 1, 2024, after being elected by acclimation at the April 2024 VFN Annual Meeting. During my tenure, I have developed the 2024/2025 Annual Budget approved by the board in July; paid out in a timely manner all vouchers approved by the President; worked diligently to maintain the integrity of the VFN’s Operating account and the Political Action Committee account; and developed a reporting methodology for each cost center to compare actual spending to the approved budget. As the former Controller and Executive Vice President of the United States Department of Agriculture’s Commodity Credit Corporation, I have the experience for this position and seek your support for a second term.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Little
VFN Treasurer
Woodbridge Chapter 1270

Candidate for Secretary - Doris McAdams

Doris McAdams, Candidate for VFN Secretary

Hello Awesome VANARFE Members, I am asking you to elect me for a second term as secretary of this wonderful organization.

The position of secretary for any organization is a very important one.  The secretary is entrusted with keeping accurate records of the organization’s business.  These records could be called into court or more likely referenced to ascertain what action the organization may have taken on an issue.

I am church clerk for Rock Hill Baptist Church and have served in this position for several years.  For those who might not know what this position is…it is the secretary for the church business meetings.  If elected, I will keep concise minutes of VANARFE’s business meetings and distribute them timely.

I retired from federal service on April 30, 2006.  I am now in my second career as a realtor.  I joined NARFE in December 2010.  Since joining, I have served as Chapter 1270 Woodbridge’s Alzheimer’s Chair, Vice President, President, and Public Relations Chair.  I have served as VANARFE First Vice President and on various committees.  I served on the NARFE Headquarters Building Committee and am the Public Relations Committee Chair for VANARFE. 

During my time as Public Relations Chair, I started a FaceBook page, Instagram, and Twitter accounts for VANARFE.  Our social media has followers in other localities as well as Virginia.

Some of my other activities include member of Stafford County’s Architectural Review Board, member of the Stafford County Diversity Advisory Coalition, serves as membership chair and correspondence secretary for the Stafford County Historical Society.   I manage the historical society’s FaceBook and Instagram page as well as my business FaceBook  and Instagram page.

For relaxation, I take belly dance, jazz, contemporary and ballet lessons.  I enjoy live theater and live concerts.

It has been my pleasure to serve as your secretary and public relations chair.  Again, I ask for your vote in April.  Thank you for allowing me to serve you.