The Virginia Federation of NARFE


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“Together We Will Succeed”

Your Virginia Chapter is a Great Place to Begin:

A NARFE Chapter is your local connection to NARFE. With more than 800 chapters located across the country, as well as in Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Panama, there’s often a chapter close to home wherever you are. These local representatives of NARFE offer a host of benefits and opportunities for their members. Join a local chapter to:

  • Make Yourself Heard. NARFE chapters provide critical grassroots support for NARFE’s national legislative agenda. Your benefits are under attack and NARFE is in the fight to preserve them. Chapter members let their legislators know what’s on their minds and open doors for NARFE’s legislative team in Washington, D.C.
  • Stay Informed. In addition to the rich communications from Headquarters, chapter newsletters, websites and meetings expand on the local and state issues affecting the federal community. Every NARFE chapter is unique, offering speakers and activities that meet the interests of its members.
  • Find Community. NARFE chapters unite federal employees, retirees, their spouses, and surviving spouses and provide an opportunity to connect with fellow Feds, get involved in leadership and governance, and develop close and lasting friendships.
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Goals, Mission & Priorities

Our Goals and Mission is to protect the earned entitlements, rights and benefits of the federal retirees, employees and survivors. 
Our priorities are recruiting and retention of our members and, of course, legislation. 
Our purpose is to unite, work and vote on issues concerning our benefits.
The Federation Bylaws conform to the overall objectives of NARFE and outlines the specifics of its mode of operation.
The Board of Directors meets four times yearly at a central location to conduct the business of the Federation.

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VFN History

The VFN was founded on April 9, 1955.  Eighteen national members representing ten chapters and fewer than 1,000 members in the state established the tenth state federation of NARFE.
Currently there are about 13,000 members, Chapter and National Only combined throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. The VFN serves 37 Chapters which extend from Northern Virginia (close to our Nation's Capital) to the beaches of Southern Virginia and to the Shenandoah Mountains.     VFN Chapters are divided into Area's which are created according to geographic location and serviced by our Area Vice President's.

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Annual Meeting & Conference

Annual Meeting & Conference is held at various locations throughout the State. The 2024 Annual Meeting & Conference will be held at the Hotel Madison in Harrisonburg, Va. April 7-10, 2024. Every time we have an opportunity to get together we benefit as a community.

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Alzheimer's Research

Through its partnership with the Alzheimer's Association, NARFE supports research into the cause, prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease as well as a cure for Alzheimer's and related disorders. Public education n the need for research - our only tool for conquering the disease - also is an important focus.
Since 1985, NARFE members have played a major role in seeking a cure for Alzheimer's disease. In collaboration with the Alzheimer's Association, NARFE members have donated more than $12 million to the NARFE Fund. 100% of NARFE donations to the Fund are allocated to research.

Electronic Communications

Electronic Communications is responsible for the exchange of digital messages and data over a network or through other electronic means.
In its simplest form, electronic communication consists of an exchange of messages and information between two computers. Creatively it is digital communications that will help drive awareness of the NARFE brand by helping to establish search-engine optimization and inbound marketing tactics with high-quality, engaging content.
Responsible for Email, Data Tables, Websites, Social Media, Newsletters, Text Messaging, Video Messaging/Conferencing.

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NARFE Membership is open to civilians who are or will be eligible to receive an annuity or survivor annuity from the federal retirement programs of any agency of the United States government.
That includes:
Current federal employees
Spouses and surviving spouses of those eligible to join NARFE
Former federal employees
A former spouse who is entitled to a federal survivor annuity

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Public Relations

What is Public Relations? "Public Relations is the planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain goodwill and mutual understanding between an organization and its publics." Everything you do or say is public relations.
Advancing NARFE's mission in the Public
Spreading Awareness
Increasing Membership
Enhancing Communications

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National Legislation

The purpose of National Legislation is to provide Virginia NARFE members (both Active and Retired) with information and assistance to help them carry out their important responsibilities of contacting their congressional representatives about NARFE issues related to protecting earned pay and benefits. We hope you find this a starting point for providing useful information and direct links to the NARFE legislative pages as well as other sites to help you determine the status of legislation in the congressional process and assist you in contacting your congressional representatives.

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Virginia Legislation

The VFN has a highly active State Legislation Program. It includes a "State Legislation Plan" that is developed every year and presented to the Virginia Delegates in support of State Legislation to strengthen and provide efficient governance in our State. The Plan protects the rights, safety, and assets of Virginia's seniors. We invite you to look at our Plan and Newsletter which is developed annually. As the Administrator of the VFN NARFE PAC, we seek your opinion regarding candidates we should support with our dollars and ensure that we have a real voice in the state legislature. Please check this site regularly as we respond to legislation that is import to you.

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Service Program

Service Officers can be found throughout the state who are available to provide NARFE members, their families and survivors with:
1. Assistance in contacting the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) concerning benefits and programs, such as civil service annuities, survivor benefits, life insurance, income tax withholding from annuities and health insurance.
2. Information on other important programs, such as Medicare, Social Security and Veterans Benefits.

Training Program

There's power in numbers? NARFE advocates get top-of-class training.
We grow by becoming a leader in our chapter or federation. We can help you get the skills to succeed by following the guidelines and attending the leadership and training sessions we schedule throughout the year.

Happy Birthday NARFE

NARFE celebrated its 100th Anniversary 2021.

Thank you to the U.S. Senate for passing via unanimous consent, S.Res. 76, congratulating NARFE on the celebration of its 100th Anniversary on February 19, 2021.


Does the image on my left look like a bunch of squiggles?  Well this can be a very powerful icon, especially as our nimble fingers take on those “ritis boys”, arthur that is.

Try an experiment, from your smart device (iPhone, android, iPad) go to your camera, focus on the image and click.  These crazy symbols and your smart device can eliminate a great deal of typing.

So try it.  This icon will take you to, JOIN NOW.  Share with a non-NARFE eligible friend.

Don’t forget to let them know to add your Chapter Number and your name as the Recruiter.

We are grateful for the important businesses who continuously support the VFN, a subsidiary of NARFE, making it possible for our Federation to continue to work to aid and support the National activities and programs established to promote the objectives set forth in the Articles of Incorporation governing all of NARFE.

Blue Cross Blue Shield
GEHA Medicare Advantage
United Health Care

Blue Ridge Agents
Falcons Landing
Fulton Financial
Hotel Madison
Kaiser Permanente
MacCraft Wood

VENDORS (cont.)
Road Scholar
Suffolk Tourism
Shenandoah Wine Tours
Sunnyside Retirement
A Assn. of Area Aging
VA Navigator